What's that in the road?
Today, while stopped at a red light I noticed something moving across the road. I couldn't quite make out what it was at first. I thought it might be a large butterfly or a small bird. Then I was pretty convinced it was a small bird. Brown, slender neck, holding out one wing and walking along in stops and starts like small creatures are often spotted doing. From one car's tire over towards the car in front of me. As it neared, I finally realized what it was. It was not a small bird but a large oak leaf. (Maybe even two entwined?) One of its points was bent in a way that looked like a bird's slender head and beak. The rest of it curled so it appeared a wing was being held out. And the wind... the wind was blowing in just such a manner so that it wasn't lifting it up off the ground but gently being nudged so that it looked like it might have been taking a stroll across the street. At that moment I had a kind of surreal awakening. "How many things do we see regularly that aren't at all what they appear?" What if the only reason some things are set in motion is because a gentle wind is guiding them along just so? And what if that wind, with its precise pressure and trajectory and speed were to stop or change abruptly? Then what of the object it has been exerting its influence on? How much are we like that leaf? And who or what is our wind?
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