Monday, August 20, 2018

Three Ways to Love You

Three Ways to Love You

I will eat away your guilt
I will swallow all your lies
I will fortify your house of cards
I will help you justify
Help you live inside this madness
Help you swim aside these sharks
I will love you
I will love you
I will love you 
                in the dark

I will lick the poison from your brow
Swallow it back with relish from your eyes
Crack my melon head ripe open
For your tongue to flick the dark seeded
Carcinomas of fractured logic and rotting thought
In a frenzied dance of mangled limbs
We will bleach each other
Shiny and new

We will lie exhausted on the burning sand
Awash of our guilt
Unwilling to stand
Wearing cagey prison smiles
Knees to Knees 
Eyes to Eyes
Heart to Heart
A newly born Siamese star
Some galaxy beyond
A sentient year behind us
Fragile this fleshy bond, yet
I have loved you
I have loved you
I have loved you
                    from the start

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