Saturday, September 26, 2009


Glass. 9/26/2009, 7pm.

Shards of glass are what remain
In the bottom of the well that once housed a spirit.

Fragments of light reflect from those pieces
But the light is absorbed by the dark.

The initial crash reverberated throughout the well like a bass drum
Thunderous (murderous) and loud; but the well, from above, seemed still.

Tiny feet of despair pulverize that glass into sand,
Sand soon to be heavier than the well can contain.

At this the unfathomable depth , the well will sink further still into the earth,
Seeking the legendary water table which might quench its ancient thirst.

Instead it will find hot molten lava to transform its profound cargo
Into liquid glass indistinguishable from lava except in its vain hope.

Unimaginable, unthinkable, unspeakable hope.
Of perhaps being cooled again into pure, crystalline, radiant glass; one day.

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