Friday, June 21, 2024

You, And the rest

You only come when you're called
Have you noticed?

You burn hot like a poison cheetoh when you hear your name

Or if you catch a sideways glance

a whisper

a subtle gesture

a word

that’s when you’re at your best

You come running 

with "pick me" energy 

and all the ear candy a girl can stand

nothing is off limits

everything is good

Oh boi

it pricked once - 

watching you choose others

heavy with excuses

You loved me so and forever. 

You said.

So why is it

you needed a golden engraved invitation, 

sirens and trumpets and fanfare,

To express this love? 

Crickets sang me to sleep every night

unless I sleptwalked into your DMs.

(Aren’t you even a little embarassed? I know I am.)

Go on and bury that bone in whatever yard is furthest from mine.

You tell on yourself so much that I grow old now, boi.

Lately, I sip tea on the porch and predict your fate.

You’ll be fine. That's the annoying part. 

Old dogs don’t learn new tricks.

But, my dear,  

bitches bite.

Wednesday, April 24, 2024


Scabs I
-C. Castro

Scabs I pick at include:

The ones on my head
especially the ones that come out with a hair in the bullseye
which always causes me to look over my shoulder.

The one from the curling iron burn
because it's taking too long to heal and
the crust wants help

The one on my knee that's technically a rug burn
That when I flick at the dead dark skin
I always grin because I know and
now you know too

The one from the popped pimple on my back that I secretly fear may be 
the beginning of my slow death

The one from my elbow where I fell and got back up
I do not recall the falling or the why
Only that my elbow hurt for weeks
And the skin was so thick
So much thicker than a regular scab
I removed it repeatedly for weeks
Then one day - poof -
my normal every day elbow

Of all my most unseemly compulsions,
there is always you
a little patch of heart sore
nearly healed then newly scratched-
a stigmata of love.

Wednesday, April 3, 2024

Two headed witch


I like when the two headed witch smiles at me, 

she thinks I don't know 

he questions if I do

I like when the two headed witch smiles at me 

with her face held taught, 

and his eyes all blank 

and his eyebrows raised 

always in deception 

I like when the two headed witch smiles at me 

believing she has tricked me into seeing her form 

as she she shifts from her demon to his human form

I like when the two headed witch smiles at me 

it always confirms what I already know 

that they walk among us 

they always have.